
    [Pandas] Pandas06 - US Baby Names 풀이

    US - Baby NamesIntroduction:We are going to use a subset of US Baby Names from Kaggle. In the file it will be names from 2004 until 2014Step 1. Import the necessary librariesIn [29]:import pandas as pd Step 2. Import the dataset from this address.Step 3. Assign it to a variable called baby_names.In [30]:url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/guipsamora/pandas_exercises/master/06_Stats/US_Baby_..

    [Pandas] Pandas05 - Housing Market 풀이

    Housing MarketIntroduction:This time we will create our own dataset with fictional numbers to describe a house market. As we are going to create random data don't try to reason of the numbers.Step 1. Import the necessary librariesIn [4]:import pandas as pd import numpy as np import random Step 2. Create 3 differents Series, each of length 100, as follows:¶The first a random number from 1 to 4 Th..

    [Pandas] Pandas05 - Fictitious Names 풀이

    Fictitious NamesIntroduction:This time you will create a data againSpecial thanks to Chris Albon for sharing the dataset and materials. All the credits to this exercise belongs to him.In order to understand about it go here.Step 1. Import the necessary libraries¶In [1]:import pandas as pd Step 2. Create the 3 DataFrames based on the followin raw dataIn [2]:raw_data_1 = { 'subject_id': ['1', '2',..

    [Pandas] Pandas05 - MPG Cars 풀이

    MPG CarsIntroduction:The following exercise utilizes data from UC Irvine Machine Learning RepositoryStep 1. Import the necessary librariesIn [1]:import pandas as pd Step 2. Import the first dataset cars1 and cars2.Step 3. Assign each to a variable called cars1 and cars2In [3]:url1 = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/guipsamora/pandas_exercises/master/05_Merge/Auto_MPG/cars1.csv' url2 = 'https:/..

    [Pandas] Pandas04 - US Crime Rates 풀이

    United States - Crime Rates - 1960 - 2014Introduction:This time you will create a dataSpecial thanks to: https://github.com/justmarkham for sharing the dataset and materials.Step 1. Import the necessary librariesIn [1]:import pandas as pd Step 2. Import the dataset from this address.Step 3. Assign it to a variable called crime.In [2]:url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/guipsamora/pandas_exe..

    [Pandas] Pandas04 - Student Alcohol Consumption 풀이

    Student Alcohol ConsumptionIntroduction:This time you will download a dataset from the UCI.Step 1. Import the necessary librariesIn [12]:import pandas as pd import numpy as np Step 2. Import the dataset from this address.Step 3. Assign it to a variable called df.In [3]:url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/guipsamora/pandas_exercises/master/04_Apply/Students_Alcohol_Consumption/student-mat.cs..